metapro - Robust P-Value Combination Methods
The meta-analysis is performed to increase the statistical
power by integrating the results from several experiments. The
p-values are often combined in meta-analysis when the effect
sizes are not available. The 'metapro' R package provides not
only traditional methods (Becker BJ (1994, ISBN:0-87154-226-9),
Mosteller, F. & Bush, R.R. (1954, ISBN:0201048523) and
Lancaster HO (1949, ISSN:00063444)), but also new method named
weighted Fisher’s method we developed. While the (weighted)
Z-method is suitable for finding features effective in most
experiments, (weighted) Fisher’s method is useful for detecting
partially associated features. Thus, the users can choose the
function based on their purpose. Yoon et al. (2021) "Powerful
p-value combination methods to detect incomplete association"